Tuition Fee Hike? On Your Bike!

It’s well documented that raising a child is the most expensive investment of your life: being a parent certainly doesn’t come cheap. But then again, neither does a degree. For those starting university in 2012, it’s never been a more expensive time to be a student. With tuition fees at most institutions set to rise from £3,400 to £9,000 a year; will the extra expense put off parents, many of whom already struggle to balance their budget?

Case Study – Leigh Somerville

Leigh and Lucy

As a student myself, I can barely manage to get through my mile-high pile of assignments; meet my deadlines and make it to lectures just about on time. For Leigh Somerville, that would be a piece of cake. Not only does she study at college; she has a part-time job and a 5 year old daughter, Lucy. Perhaps the word ‘multi-tasking’ was designed for lifestyles like Leigh’s.
