Case Study- Claire, a Real Mother in Law

Legal exams are a walk in the park compared to having a baby according to Student Parents case study Claire.

Claire, a Law student from south London explains to student parents how she has coped with her law degree and single-handedly raising two children.

The Cost of Childcare – a regional view

For most parents who wish to return to work or study after the birth of their children, childcare and its cost are one of the primary concerns in raising a child. But with the huge costs in childcare, stagnant wages and increased inflation, more and more parents are struggling to cope. Student Parents looked at an extensive survey conducted by Daycare Trust to find out about the cost of childcare in your region for 2012.

Accommodation prices for student parents: Best and Worst

Student Parents have put together a list of the top 10 universities for price within the top 50 universities in the U.K. Looking at all the accommodation they offer, from studio apartments to 3 bedroom houses, these are the universities that offer the cheapest accommodation for student parents. To see the full list of university prices go to


Coming up: Leeds Student Parent Easter Party

Hi guys,

On 31st March, Student Parents will be visiting Leeds to take part in their annual Easter party! We’ll be tweeting from the event, and will be speaking to student parents, and reporting on the event, which we will post up here as soon as we can. Check out Twitter and our website on and after 31st March for all the pictures and stories from the day. In the mean time, go to to find out more about the event itself. The event is free and everyone is welcome.

See you there!

The Student Parent Team

The Childcare Checklist – Choosing your childcare

A new checklist for parents trying to decide which nursery or child minder to use was published on Tuesday

Budget breakdown – how the budget could effect you


George Osbourne released his 2012 Budget on the 21st of March, which outlines the Government’s financial plans for the coming year. Student Parents took at look at the key points that could affect families with children: (more…)

Sleep like a baby

You have exams looming, an essay due in tomorrow, a seminar to prep for and your exhausted. To top it off you have a baby that wants to do anything but sleep.

What do you do?

A. Cry and scream louder than your baby

B. Give up now

C. Watch this cute video and use the sleeping tips to get your little bundle of joy sleeping like, well, a baby

Video from Youtube

Have your Say: Student Parents getting extra marks


Words of Wisdom on Children’s Teeth

Caring for your children’s teeth seems simple; give them a healthy diet, make sure their teeth are cleaned twice a day and take them to a dentist on a regular basis. But these basic steps are fraught with frustration and battles.  Student Parents spoke to Deborah King, a dental hygienist with over 25 years experience looking after people’s teeth. She has written a guest post for student parents, on how to keep your baby or young child’s teeth clean and healthy.

‘Hi, I am Deborah King. I trained as a dental therapist, and at that time specialised in children’s dentistry.’


What’s in your fridge? The Recipe for Success?

Women feel like they have to do it all. But when you’re  rushed off your feet juggling studies and family life, is it any wonder that you feel over-worked and exhausted. The right diet can be vital in giving  you enough energy to run around after the little one, and enough brainpower for that pile of reading in the corner. Whilst you’ll no doubt be worrying over how best to feed your child, making sure they get a balanced nutritious diet; remember its important that you look after yourself too. Eating well is important; to give you that boost you need to look after your baby, and get those good grades.
